Loan Census Banking News and Information
February 23, 2025  
  Business Loan Information  

Best Banks for Salinas Entrepreneurs


Loan Census SBA Loan Info

Cit Small Business Lending Corp Gives Bank Loan to Limited-Service Restaurants Company

CaliforniaBusiness loans are available to California business owners through the SBA. In this case, a New Jersey bank provides the loan.

You can learn something about getting a small business loan in Salinas, California by studying this loan to a local business, made back in 2006. Banks like Cit Small Business Lending Corp may also be willing to lend to you, given that they granted this small business loan.

SBA Loan Borrower

Salinas, CA 93905

SBA Loan Lender


This bank was authorized by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) as an official lender for the SBA Preferred Lender Program (PLP). Only the most active and experienced lenders qualify for this SBA lending program.

SBA Loan Program Type

This loan was issued as a general business loan.


722211 - Limited-Service Restaurants

Loan Approval Date


Loan Approval Gross Amount


Loan Approval from the SBA

Of the total $384,000 loan amount, the SBA guaranteed $288,000.

More Information on This SBA Loan

The borrower borrowed this money for a new business. This loan was not for a franchise. At the time of the loan, the company had no employees. This SBA loan request indicated that the borrowed money would help generate 10 new jobs.

Great, But How Can I Get an SBA Loan for My Business?

SBA loans typically are available at competitive interest rates and have no balloon payments or annual reviews.

We can help you find the best banks for small businesses in Salinas or anywhere else for that matter. By talking to a number of banks about getting an SBA loan, you will increase your odds of success.

About This SBA Loan Information:

All SBA loan data displayed above comes from the government's publicly available SBA loan database. Information on this page is provided by the news organization to inform business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs and others about SBA loan activity. does not assist businesses with obtaining SBA loans and was not involved in any way with this transaction. For additional information, see our Loan Information FAQ.

Related Links:

Obtaining Funding From a Venture Capitalist

SBA Banks in Livingston, New Jersey

New Jersey SBA 7A Banks