Loans Provided by Rbs Citizens (Providence, RI) to Springfield, PA Entrepreneurs
Springfield, PA small business owners can use this information to find banks that offer SBA loans.
The Springfield, PA business(es) listed below were able to get a loan from Rbs Citizens, based in Providence, RI.
Small Business
Borrower |
Loan Amount |
Sporting Goods Stores Loan
$75,000 Loan |
Spice And Extract Manufacturing Loan
$27,500 Loan |
Grocery And Related Products Merchant Wholesalers Loan
$180,000 Loan |
General Merchandise Stores Loan
$100,000 Loan |
Commercial Flexographic Printing Loan
$75,000 Loan |
Commercial Flexographic Printing Loan
$2,500 Loan |
Meat Markets Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Physicians, Mental Health Specialists Loan
$27,500 Loan |
Physicians, Mental Health Specialists Loan
$5,000 Loan |
Home Health Care Services Loan
$34,000 Loan |
Service Establishment Equipment And Supplies Merchant Wholesalers Loan
$75,000 Loan |
Service Establishment Equipment And Supplies Merchant Wholesalers Loan
$5,000 Loan |
Roofing Contractors Loan
$35,000 Loan |
Fabric Coating Mills Loan
$17,000 Loan |
Custom Computer Programming Services Loan
$25,000 Loan |
Investment Advice Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Physicians Loan
$35,000 Loan |
Physicians Loan
$5,000 Loan |
The links above can be used to get additional information on these loans to small business borrowers in Springfield, PA. Click on a link for loan detail information.