Loan Census Banking News and Information
February 1, 2025  
  Business Loan Information  

Business Loans in Rathdrum, ID


Loan Census SBA Loan Info

Loans Provided by Mountain West Bank (Coeur D'Alene, ID) to Rathdrum, ID Entrepreneurs

If you own a business in Rathdrum, ID, we can help you to find money to grow a business.

Mountain West Bank is a proven source for SBA loans in Rathdrum. Here's a list of loans they've made to local small business owners in recent years.

Small Business Borrower Loan Amount
Health Practitioners Loan

$150,000 Loan
Video Tape Rental Loan

$144,000 Loan
Aircraft Parts And Auxiliary Equipment, N.E.C Loan

$50,000 Loan
Fluid Power Valve And Hose Fitting Manufacturing Loan

$25,000 Loan
Fluid Power Valve And Hose Fitting Manufacturing Loan

$35,000 Loan
Continuing Care Retirement Communities Loan

$750,000 Loan
Homes For The Elderly Loan

$745,000 Loan
Local Messengers And Local Delivery Loan

$25,000 Loan
Local Messengers And Local Delivery Loan

$240,000 Loan
Local Messengers And Local Delivery Loan

$150,000 Loan
Local Messengers And Local Delivery Loan

$25,000 Loan
Nursery And Garden Centers Loan

$15,000 Loan
Metal Ore Mining Loan

$75,000 Loan
Drilling Oil And Gas Wells Loan

$150,000 Loan
Heating Equipment Loan

$100,000 Loan
Piece Goods, Notions, And Dry Goods Merchant Wholesalers Loan

$828,000 Loan
Water Well Drilling Loan

$50,000 Loan
Water Well Drilling Contractors Loan

$36,000 Loan
Water, Sewer, And Utility Lines Loan

$162,000 Loan
Family Clothing Stores Loan

$50,000 Loan
Finish Carpentry Contractors Loan

$20,000 Loan
Construction, Mining, And Forestry Machinery Equipment Rental And Leasing Loan

$40,000 Loan
Construction, Mining, And Forestry Machinery Equipment Rental And Leasing Loan

$30,000 Loan
Site Preparation Contractors Loan

$60,000 Loan
Site Preparation Contractors Loan

$60,000 Loan
Glass And Glazing Contractors Loan

$150,000 Loan
Glass And Glazing Contractors Loan

$150,000 Loan
Site Preparation Contractors Loan

$318,000 Loan
Landscaping Services Loan

$150,000 Loan
Full-Service Restaurants Loan

$300,000 Loan
Full-Service Restaurants Loan

$30,000 Loan
Cut Stone And Stone Product Manufacturing Loan

$47,000 Loan
Specialty Trade Contractors Loan

$25,000 Loan
Nursery And Garden Centers Loan

$40,000 Loan
Nursery And Garden Centers Loan

$45,000 Loan
Nursery And Garden Centers Loan

$20,000 Loan
Nursery And Garden Centers Loan

$56,435 Loan

The links above can be used to get additional information on these loans to local businesses in Rathdrum, ID. Click on a link for loan detail information.