Loans Provided by Park Midway Bank (Saint Paul, MN) to Maplewood, MN Entrepreneurs
Maplewood, MN small business owners can use this information to find banks that offer SBA loans.
Small business borrowers in Maplewood, MN should be aware that Park Midway Bank, based in Saint Paul, MN has a history of making loans to Maplewood entities. Recent loans are listed in the table below.
Small Business
Borrower |
Loan Amount |
Supermarkets And Grocery Stores Loan
$373,000 Loan |
Gasoline Stations With Convenience Stores Loan
$348,000 Loan |
Gasoline Stations With Convenience Stores Loan
$30,600 Loan |
Landscape Architectural Services Loan
$99,900 Loan |
Landscape Architectural Services Loan
$20,000 Loan |
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Facto Loan
$164,500 Loan |
Children's And Infants' Clothing Stores Loan
$75,000 Loan |
Spud Stars Loan
$104,900 Loan |
Beer, Wine, And Liquor Stores Loan
$90,000 Loan |
The links above can be used to get additional information on these loans to small business borrowers in Maplewood, MN. Click on a link for loan detail information.