Loans Provided by M&i Marshall & Ilsley Bank (Milwaukee, WI) to Litchfield Park, AZ Entrepreneurs
If you own a business in Litchfield Park, AZ, this list of bank loans can assist you in securing capital.
The Litchfield Park, AZ business(es) listed below were able to get a loan from M&i Marshall & Ilsley Bank, based in Milwaukee, WI.
Small Business
Borrower |
Loan Amount |
Plumbing, Heating, And Air-Conditioning Contractors Loan
$100,000 Loan |
Construction, Mining, And Forestry Machinery Equipment Rental And Leasing Loan
$185,000 Loan |
Construction, Mining, And Forestry Machinery Equipment Rental And Leasing Loan
$100,000 Loan |
Construction, Mining, And Forestry Machinery Equipment Rental And Leasing Loan
$300,000 Loan |
The links above can be used to get additional information on these loans to local businesses in Litchfield Park, AZ. Click on a link for loan detail information.