Loans Provided by U.S. Bank National Association (Cincinnati, OH) to Fullerton, CA Entrepreneurs
If you own a business in Fullerton, CA, we can help you to find money to grow a business.
Small business borrowers in Fullerton, CA should be aware that U.S. Bank National Association, based in Cincinnati, OH has a track record of providing loans to Fullerton entities. Recent loans are listed in the table below.
Small Business
Borrower |
Loan Amount |
Home Furnishing Wholesalers Loan
$1,793,300 Loan |
Automotive Body, Paint, And Interior Repair And Maintenance Loan
$1,350,000 Loan |
Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, And Perfume Stores Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Site Preparation Contractors Loan
$20,000 Loan |
Masonry Contractors Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Exterminating And Pest Control Services Loan
$259,000 Loan |
Florists Loan
$300,000 Loan |
The links above can be used to get additional information on these loans to local businesses in Fullerton, CA. Click on a link for loan detail information.