Loans Provided by Capital One (Mclean, VA) to Flint, MI Entrepreneurs
If you own a business in Flint, MI, we've got information on where to get a small business loan.
The Flint, MI business(es) listed below were able to get a loan from Capital One, based in Mclean, VA.
Small Business
Borrower |
Loan Amount |
Supermarkets And Grocery Stores Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Beer, Wine, And Liquor Stores Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Architectural Services Loan
$15,000 Loan |
Sales Financing Loan
$25,000 Loan |
Quick Printing Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Physicians, Mental Health Specialists Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Building Material Dealers Loan
$35,000 Loan |
Structural Steel And Precast Concrete Contractors Loan
$25,000 Loan |
Automotive Body, Paint, And Interior Repair And Maintenance Loan
$35,000 Loan |
Stationery And Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers Loan
$25,000 Loan |
Florists Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Beauty Salons Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Tobacco Stores Loan
$50,000 Loan |
These SBA loans given to Flint, MI businesses contain detailed news on SBA lending. Click on a borrower name above to get more info.