Loans Provided by Jpmorgan Chase Bank (Houston, TX) to Cottonwood, AZ Entrepreneurs
Cottonwood, AZ business owners can use this information to find banks that offer SBA loans.
Small business borrowers in Cottonwood, AZ should be aware that Jpmorgan Chase Bank, based in Houston, TX can be a good source for small business loans to Cottonwood organizations. Recent loans are listed in the table below.
Small Business
Borrower |
Loan Amount |
Refrigeration Equipment And Supplies Merchant Wholesalers Loan
$441,400 Loan |
Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing Loan
$25,000 Loan |
Cemeteries And Crematories Loan
$1,247,000 Loan |
Travel Arrangement And Reservation Services Loan
$25,400 Loan |
Industrial Design Services Loan
$25,000 Loan |
Specialty Trade Contractors Loan
$38,400 Loan |
Store Retailers Loan
$20,400 Loan |
Drywall And Insulation Contractors Loan
$25,000 Loan |
Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning Services Loan
$28,300 Loan |
Store Retailers Loan
$52,000 Loan |
Engineering Services Loan
$50,000 Loan |
Electrical Contractors And Wiring Installation Contractors Loan
$100,000 Loan |
Wood Product Manufacturing Loan
$35,000 Loan |
Services To Buildings And Dwellings Loan
$25,000 Loan |
The links above can be used to get additional information on these loans to small business borrowers in Cottonwood, AZ. Click on a link for loan detail information.